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Welcome to

Saint Edmund Campion Parish of East Hartford, Connecticut

the merged parishes of Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady of Peace and Saint Christopher

Religious Education - Grades K-8:

Leo Forte
Coordinator of Religious Education
E-mail: Leo Forte

Click here to download the registration form for the 2023/2024 school year. Registration deadline is August 25, 2023. To avoid a late fee, please submit your registration by this deadline. If you would like the form mailed to you, please contact Leo Forte at

Confirmation Prep Program & Youth Ministry - Grades 9-12:

Kristina Gillespie
Director of Youth Ministry & Confirmation
E-mail: Kristina Gillespie

Registration for this program will take place during the first class being held on Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 9:00 AM in the Saint Christopher Church Hall. Parents and students are asked to attend this first class together.